Murder Mystery: Hiking Trails of Betrayal
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1. Weather - Nathaniel always takes Trail B. He only takes a different route if it's raining or if it's closed. According to the weather report in the newspaper, it was a sunny day. And the Facebook photo shows that only Trails A and C were closed that day.


2. Binoculars - Nathaniel can be seen with binoculars attached to his trousers in the Facebook photo. When checking his property, the binoculars are missing.


3. Facebook Post - Zachary claims not to know Nathaniel very well but he commented on a photo of him on Facebook. He also knows about Nathaniel's ex-girlfriend Sandra.
Brad had left a secret note for Nathaniel on the tree that can be seen in the Facebook photo. The secret code says:



In desperation for money, Sandra had stolen the art. The camera photo shows the same art piece that was stolen from the gallery. The photo in the newspaper was the only photo ever taken of the artwork before it was stolen.
Zachary had stolen Nathaniel's camera when he found the body. He deleted the photos off his camera and left it with Nathaniel's belongings.
Julius sent the threatening letter.


The type of paper and handwriting match the phone number he left for Sandra.


He uses the words Pretty Little Girlfriend in both the letter and in his interrogation.


Brad, Sandra & Zachary all have solid alibis


1. Brad has a hotel invoice as well as video proof of him in a restaurant out of state at the time of Nathaniel's death


2. Sandra has a photo of her taken by Zachary at her house at 8:30am on the day of the murder. It would take her at least 2 hours to get to the bottom of the trail and another 1 hour and 20 minutes to reach Nathaniel's position. The earliest she could arrive is at 11:50am which is way outside the time of death.


3. Zachary, who took the photos, would also not have been able to get to Nathaniel in time. Sandra saw his car as well, which tells us that it was Zachary that was outside her house that day.
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You've Solved It
Cheryl was the only suspect able to reach Nathaniel and murder him.


Map - shows that she was the only suspect able to reach Nathaniel during the time of his death.

Staff Statement - shows that the business wasn't doing well, but suddenly had an influx of cash. It also shows that Cheryl had access to lost items, such as Brad's lost notebook (with his codes) and his phone.

Photo of Julius & Cheryl - shows that she has dealings with poachers and may be involved in their business.

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